• Doing the groundwork

    Uncovering new mineral possibilities is key to future economic development, says Willem Meintjes, executive manager at the Council for Geoscience

    Doing the groundwork

    ‘In order to grow the mining industry in South Africa and the rest of the continent, we need to see a much more aggressive and consistent long-term approach to investment in exploration,’ says Willem Meintjes, executive manager at the Council for Geoscience (CGS), which is the custodian of all geoscientific data and information of South Africa, and has contributed to the development of geological information and mapping programmes in 20 African countries.

    ‘The role of geological surveys and research institutions cannot be over-emphasised; without the continuous development of geological expertise and investment in knowledge generation and exploration, mining will not take off at the pace and scale that we require.’

    That pace and scale applies particularly to South Africa, where – despite its rich mining history – the full spectrum of mining potential remains untapped for base and precious metals, and energy minerals such as lithium, rare earth elements, copper-nickel, graphite and uranium, to name a few, as well as hydrogen and geothermal energy development.

    ‘South Africa remains a prime frontier for exploration to uncover new mineral deposits required for modern economies and sustainable manufacturing industries globally into the foreseeable future, both onshore and offshore,’ says Meintjes. ‘Geological research premised on finding solutions to the global challenges we are faced with – from mineral requirements, climate change research and sustainable environmental practices – remains one of the key enablers to economic development and value creation.’

    The CGS creates much value in its role as secretariat of the Organisation of African Geological Surveys. The directive is that all geological surveys in Africa must be focused on creating a base of geological research through regionalised project implementation that can support government decision-makers with policy formulation, and to further develop a highly skilled pool of geoscience professionals across the continent.

    Such experts are desperately needed in support of the understanding of geological frameworks and minerals systems that support countries’ de-risking of the early stages of exploration.

    ‘One of our focal points over the last couple of years had been to expand on the existing regional geological information across South Africa, and cover geological mapping at a scale that is commensurate with early exploration requirements,’ says Meintjes. ‘We’ve taken an approach of an integrated multidisciplinary mapping programme that ultimately produces high-quality geological information in a thematic manner to contribute to societal development broadly, and exploration in particular.

    ‘We have made tremendous progress with this integrated approach, having mapped over 17% of South Africa at a refined scale, much of which contributes to understanding key geological controls and rock types that host previously under-estimated and undiscovered mineral resources, groundwater resources and areas vulnerable to geological hazards.’

    Through this integrated mapping programme, CGS teams of highly skilled geoscience professionals are developing fundamental geological datasets such as regional geophysics, geochemistry, remote sensing and mapping that assist stakeholders with critical scientific inputs.

    ‘This approach enables the CGS to make data and information publicly available, which is relied on for kick-starting exploration activities, especially by junior explorers, and understanding the interlinkages between the natural environment, infrastructure development and community safety,’ says Meintjes.

    There are also climate-change mitigation benefits. The CGS has been leading efforts in carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) research in South Africa and the wider continent. CCUS is a technology aimed to capture anthropogenic CO2 at its source, and to store it safely and permanently in suitable underground reservoirs. The utilisation aspect aims to incorporate some of the captured CO2 in suitable industrial applications, such as petrochemical, fertiliser and manufacturing processes.

    The CGS’ CCUS pilot work is premised on finding scientific solutions to abate anthropogenic CO2 emissions within the context of the country’s ratification of global climate change protocols as a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Paris Agreement.

    ‘South Africa emits the highest reported anthropogenic CO2 concentrations on the continent, estimated at 500 million tons annually, from various energy-generation and industrial sources – notably due to the combustion and beneficiation of fossil fuels.’

    It is evident that South Africa’s socio-economic development relies heavily on the utilisation of fossil fuels, with the coal industry being one of the largest producers of raw materials and a key employer. Meintjes says that owing to South Africa’s reliance on extensive coal reserves, resilient strategies to achieve climate change mitigation targets, while avoiding negative impacts on socio-economic development and the environment, need to be created.

    Of interest in this regard is that while at least half of South Africa’s emissions are associated with combustion of the country’s extensive coal deposits being used for energy generation, the findings of the CGS’ extensive geological characterisation and research in the Highveld region of the Mpumalanga province, an intensive coal-mining region, shows there is potential to abate half of the total South African CO2 emissions over the next 60 years at current production volumes in the immediate vicinity to the pilot site alone. ‘Our key next steps are to continue with the injection phase to establish this as a viable technological intervention,’ according to Meintjes.

    The combination of tech with science has enabled the CGS to evolve, giving ‘expression to a set of thematic areas’. These include minerals and energy; health, groundwater and the environment; infrastructure and land use; geoscience innovation; and geoscience diplomacy.

    ‘This approach has allowed us to meet the needs of a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties, underpinned by geoscience research,’ he says.

    ‘Through the implementation of our thematic approach to research, we are able to unravel geological information and present solutions and research answers to address a broad spectrum of challenges, spanning from considerations to infrastructure development and land-use planning, the nexus between minerals development and environmental preservation, and finding solutions to better manage and mitigate against pollutants.

    ‘One of those natural systems are our oceans, where the CGS has been undertaking research to better understand the geology surrounding mainland South Africa and its offshore territories, which speaks to the vastly untapped opportunities of the blue economy. This research presents opportunities to delineate offshore mineral potential and natural systems that can be harnessed to ensure energy and food security for the region, including geological features that have the potential to impact on community and infrastructure safety, such as offshore tsunamigenic earthquakes.’

    Amid limited historical research focused on offshore oil and gas, earthquakes and precious minerals, the CGS believes that the offshore regions of South Africa hold tremendous value to ensure food and energy security and supply the minerals required for the development of high-tech equipment.

    ‘All of this, naturally, has to be considered in the context of preserving our pristine coastline and economic development requirements, which remains a precarious – but not impossible – balance to achieve,’ says Meintjes. ‘Providing scientific research to the correct questions will greatly assist with developing new approaches to sustainable offshore development.’

    Onshore too, given that geology remains the lifeblood of a dependence-based mining value chain economy. ‘Geology’s prominence cannot be understated – especially during the current surge to produce significantly more critical minerals that the world so desperately needs, and not just for beneficiation but for the achievement of broader economic goals, such as the creation of jobs.’

    Here the CGS has made contributions to the establishment of a multimillion-rand junior exploration fund in South Africa, where it provides technical expertise in the valuation of investment proposals. Meintjes says this initiative aims to further contribute to South Africa securing a 5% share of the global exploration expenditure budget.

    ‘Our work further enunciates considerations on the co-existence of the critical minerals of the future we require to develop our economic and safeguard natural environmental systems.

    ‘We are committed to keep on pushing the bounds of research to uncover and delineate new mineral potential, find novel approaches to applying emerging technologies, and to safeguarding infrastructure, communities and finite groundwater resources,’ he says.

    ‘We remain resolute that investment in geoscience research and skills will be the catalyst for economic development.’

    By Kerry Dimmer
    Image: Marc Shoul